The article below is a top story from this week's ACTION newsletter—Care Providers of Minnesota's weekly newsletter for members. The newsletter focuses on current legislative issues, regulations, long-term care trends, and other Association news. Each Thursday evening, it is delivered to your inbox. To sign up for ACTION, contact Lisa Foss Olson (952-851-2483). To learn more about membership, visit our Become a Member page.

Thank you for attending Day at the Capitol!

Charlie Peterson
By Charlie Peterson  |  March 22, 2024  |  All members

Thank you to every one of our 120+ members who traveled to join us for our annual Day at the Capitol on March 20, 2024. Many productive and meaningful meetings were held with legislators to promote investment in, and attention to, long-term care. The relationships created and strengthened through this engagement will help to ensure that our industry, and those we care for, are better prioritized moving forward. Check out the photos from the event here.

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At a time when our state’s population is aging, and our workforce is struggling, engagement with lawmakers is crucial to ensuring that we do not go unnoticed. Hearing firsthand about the direct impact that legislation has had and will have on those caring for their communities will give legislators a personal connection to the issues being discussed this year in St. Paul. 

If you were unable to attend but still want the opportunity to use our materials for later meetings with elected officials, we posted materials in the “Day at the Capitol” section of our website. We strongly encourage you to contact your elected officials if you have not yet done so. Legislation is routinely being brought up that has the potential to negatively impact the ability of long-term care providers to continue caring for people. It is important that your elected officials hear from the people who live and work in their districts to show them why bills that hurt senior care providers also hurt the residents for whom they care for.   

Charlie Peterson  | Government Affairs/Grassroots Specialist  |  [email protected]  |  952-215-3773

About Care Providers of Minnesota

Care Providers of Minnesota is a non-profit membership association with the mission to Empower Members to Performance Excellence. Our 900+ members across Minnesota represent non-profit and for-profit organizations providing services along the full spectrum of post-acute care and long-term services and support. We are the state affiliate for the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living, and with our national partners we provide solutions for quality care.

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As a member of Care Providers of Minnesota, you will join with fellow professionals across the state who understand the importance of working together to the benefit of the entire long-term care profession. The strength of our membership has established our place as one of the state’s leading trade associations.

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